Grievance Redressal Cell

New Registration

Important Instructions:

1. We assure you that any information given by you will be kept strictly confidential.
2. A link will be sent at your email Id. Registration will be successful when you click at that link. Therefore candidate must give a valid and working email id only.
3. Candidate will be able to lodge any complaint only after successful registration. Email Id will be user name.
4. Fileds marked as (*) are mandatory.
Date of Registration  26-March-2025
You Are (*) Student   Employee  
Your Name (*)
Select Your Campus(*)
Your Branch / Department (*)
Contact No. (*)
Email ID (*) Give a valid email id. Activation Link will be sent at this email id.
Re Enter Email ID (*)
You Must Select the Check Box Before Submitting
The information I am providing in this form is true, accurate, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Enter the Security Key shown in figure (Four Alphabets, Case Sensitive) TjDj