School of Social Sciences

BA. (Hons.) Social Science
Course Name Duration (Years) System Total Seats Reserved Categories
  SC/ST BC Physically Handicapped Others
BA. (Hons.) Social Science 3 Semester 140 35 14 7 11
  • Senior Secondary Examination (12th Grade with at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) in aggregate.
  • Any other examination recognized equivalent there to.

Admission will be based on merit of the candidate in the Entrance Test to be conducted by the Head of the Department.

M.A. International Relations
Course Name Duration (Years) System Total Seats Reserved Categories
  SC/ST BC Physically Handicapped Others
M.A. (International Relations) 2 Semester 10*(upto 30) 3 1 - 1
Updated on 09/07/2020.
  • Bachelor's degree in any subject with at least 50% marks(45% for SC/ST).
  • Any other examination recognized equivalent there to.

Admission will be based on merit of the candidate in the Entrance Test to be conducted by the Head of the Department.

NameDr. Rajesh Kumar
Areas of Interest/SpecializationPOLITICAL SCIENCE : International Relations and Foreign Policy of India
NameDr. Anjali Mehra              Click here to view Resume
DesignationProfessor and Head
Areas of Interest/SpecializationECONOMICS : Indian Economy, Micro Economics,Migration Studies, Economics of Education,Infrastructure Economics
Name Dr Gurshaminder Singh Bajwa              Click here to view Resume
DesignationAssistant Professor
Areas of Interest/SpecializationSOCIOLOGY : Urban Sociology, Sociology of Health and Science, Sociology of Knowledge
List of Additional Faculty Members
Rochna AroraMSC Economics (Hons)
Sharanpreet KaurMA Politics with specialisation in International Relations
Preetkamal SinghM.A. Political Science
Preetkamal SinghM.A. Political Science
Dr. Mohit AggarwalMA, NET/UGC, P hD.
Maninder (Hons.) Economics, UGC NET
Yogesh KumarM.A, M.Phil
Dr. Sukhdeep KaurPh.D.
Jinny SharmaMSc. Economics, UGC NET
Nancy KanwarMA Sociology, UGC NET
Dr. Manjot KaurMA Sociology, Ph.D.
Navcharan Singh SidhuM.A. Political Science, UGC NET, JRF/SRF


Placement Activities
